Monday, 27 September 2010

Latest Update

Happy to report the worldwide interest in this event is building up, we have had emails and contacts from all over the globe, from France, Spain, USA, Australia and even Korea!
We will continue to refresh the blog with updates and news as this becomes available in order to support Liverpool City Council and Limelight Sports in staging the Liverpool Marathon 2011.


Suzy Souix said...

Well done to the council and everyone involved, this will be a great event I am sure. I am looking forward to travelling from France to do this in my home city!

Susie Hewer said...

Hi Birdy!

Long time no speak. Just got another reject from the VLM and was searching through my marathon bookmarks and there you were. This is fantastic news.

Fingers well and truly crossed it all goes ahead and if it does then I'll be there - I might even bring my knitting as that always attracts publicity!


MM08 said...

Hiya Susie, yes its been a long time hasnt it, but we finally got there. Really looking forward to it.

Does my memory serve me right, didnt you used to live in Liverpool? If so, hopefully it will be a nice return home for you!

I remember your great support from when we started all this, hope this all works out as we all hope it will and you enjoy it, knitting and all!



Susie Hewer said...

Hi Birdy,

What a good memory! I used to live near Sefton Park and I worked in Water Street too so it will be a real trip down memory lane. Oh and I'm married to a Scouser!

Bring on that entry form.
