Monday, 27 September 2010

Latest Update

Happy to report the worldwide interest in this event is building up, we have had emails and contacts from all over the globe, from France, Spain, USA, Australia and even Korea!
We will continue to refresh the blog with updates and news as this becomes available in order to support Liverpool City Council and Limelight Sports in staging the Liverpool Marathon 2011.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Liverpool Marathon 2011

I know it’s been a long wait but its finally arrived, we are delighted to let you know that Liverpool will host its first marathon for nearly twenty years when city leaders give their backing to race plans on October 1st. Council officers have recommended a leading industry player, to take over the job. All that remains is for the cabinet to accept the plan when they meet on October 1.

It is hoped that the marathon will attract 10,000 runners in its first year.

The aim is to make the marathon into the third biggest street race in the UK behind the London Marathon and Great North Run.

With television rights in place the race could be worth £3m to the local economy in the first year alone.

The first blue riband race is set to take place on October 9, 2011 under a one-year contract which would be extended up to 2016 if successful.

In its fifth year it is hoped up to 25,000 runners will take part.

Although a route is yet to be confirmed the World Heritage waterfront would be a key part of showcasing the city as would the historic cathedrals.

Cllr Joe Anderson, leader of Liverpool City Council, said: "Liverpool is world famous for its sporting excellence be it football, championship golf or the Grand National and a major marathon would further cement our reputation on the global stage. The profile and impact of a Liverpool marathon could be priceless for the city. It would be a brilliant showcase for the renaissance Liverpool has undergone as a European Capital of Culture and could also provide a huge boost to our tourism industry, running clubs and charities.’’

The first marathon, which is not expected to be profit making, will be funded wholly by the orgnaiser at no cost to taxpayers.

We feel this has been achieved by Liverpool City Council having the good sense and foresight to listen to the MM08 campaign and its supporters. This was confirmed by the council report recommending this event as follows:

“It was clear that in the build up to and during the Capital of Culture year of 2008 that there was considerable interest and support for Liverpool staging a Marathon. Whilst it could not be included within the already extensive 2008 programme of events it was agreed such and event should be one of the key legacy events for the future”

Well done to everyone involved in the original MM08 campaign and lets look forward to an excellent event in 2011.