Liverpool Echo Article
City's marathon to return in 08
Dec 13 2006
By Joe Riley Arts Editor, Liverpool Echo
LIVERPOOL is bidding to host an international marathon.
Planners would like to see a big race in the city every year, starting in 2008.
Talks are taking place for Liverpool to join the exclusive list of global marathon destinations, along with London, New York and Rome.
But city council leader Warren Bradley told a Culture Company public briefing that the viability would "depend on a window being found in the calendar".
He told arts leaders at St George's Hall: "We are in negotiations for a Liverpool Marathon. But it would be more than a local event. It would be on the same scale as the New York Marathon, but as people come from all over the world to compete in such events, it would depend on finding a date that did not clash with marathons elsewhere."
A Liverpool marathon was first held in the 1930s. Another batch of marathons from 1984 to 1994 was abandoned because of sponsorship problems.
Delegates were told that more than 200 events planned for 2007, the city's birthday year, and the 100 so far arranged for Capital of Culture in 2008 were "only the beginning".
Culture company staff said Liverpool was well ahead of any former European Capital of Culture in planning its principal attractions.
This blog is brought to you by a number of runners who campaigned to get a Marathon Event staged in Liverpool in 2008 as part of the Capital of Culture sporting programme. Whilst that couldnt be achieved, Liverpool City Council promised to look at this for the future. They stuck to their promise and here we are, its on its way!
Wednesday, 13 December 2006
Tuesday, 5 December 2006
Sunday, 3 December 2006
Keep it going!
The campaign was mentioned in the Runners World newsletter last week, which prompted a huge rise in the number of people signing the petition.
In just a week we have had nearly 500 signatures, but we need to maintain this momentum, so tell all your friends, relatives, colleagues etc to sign up now and support this campaign.
Thank you
In just a week we have had nearly 500 signatures, but we need to maintain this momentum, so tell all your friends, relatives, colleagues etc to sign up now and support this campaign.
Thank you
Monday, 27 November 2006
Keep up the good work
Just to say a big thanks to everyone that has signed the petition so far. The numbers are building steadily and we expect a big rise when the information is published in the Runners World newsletter this week, so watch this space!
And thanks to Runners World for their support in publicising the campaign.
And thanks to Runners World for their support in publicising the campaign.
Saturday, 25 November 2006
Comments on why Liverpool should have a Marathon in 2008!
I grew up on Merseyside and regularly return to family there. I would definitely support such an event - it would have a huge number of family and friends out to support me on a race such as this, in the home city
What a fantastic opportunity to showcase the fabulous buildings, architecture and parks that we have in Liverpool.
What better way to introduce the world to Liverpool
This would help focus attention on Liverpool, and would also be helpful to northerners wanting to participate in a marathon without having to travel to London, where the marathon is always oversubscribed.
The Mersey Marathon will be an outstanding event in the cultural calendar for Liverpool, European Capital of Culture 2008! A cultural event as much as a sports event, the Mersey Marathon will bring together a variety of different people for different reasons. It's a unique opportunity and a fantastic chance for Liverpool to allow its people to reflect the cultural diversity of the city.
The Mersey Marathon will put the fun back into running!
Since the lack of North West marathon as the Blackpool marathon has sadly demised, this would be a welcome addition; a true embodiment of the place of sport in culture and a chance to move things onwards to 2012. If part of the Olympic ethos is based around Culture, why should the Capital of Culture not embrace participatory sport?
Liverpool is a major City in England and deserves the right to host it's own marathon. Good luck to you all for fighting for this.
Every major city hosts a marathon. There are dozens of cities that I would never have visited if it wasn't for a race. Clearly hosting a mass participation race is good for the local economy (hotels, restaurants, etc). Liverpool is supposed to be a sporting city, so why not?
I've done some great races in Liverpool, you get a great warm Liverpool welcome and the geography, city environment etc is so well suited to a marathon it would be a natural extension of the previous racing calendar. Please give it serious thought, if Belfast can do it with their hurdles then I'm sure you can!
Liverpool is a brilliant city, famous throughout the world and should certainly have it's own marathon, like most other cities throughout the world
I would love to return to Liverpool, the city of my schooling, to take part in The Marathon in 2008 and even beyond.
A marathon would be a great event to host in a city with a reputation for good humour friendliness. It could only be of benefit the city.
Every great city should have a great marathon.
I would love to run a marathon in Liverpool. What a great idea
If we truly are the Capital of Culture then this even is a must. The city is steeped in sport and this is a mass participation sporting event. What better way to involve the people?
Didn't realise Liverpool didn't have a marathon. It certainly did when I lived there in early 1980s. Time to reinstate I say as piddly little places have a marathon and Liverpool has enough great landmarks to make a great race
A marathon would be a fantastic way of bringing Liverpool's culture and history to a wider world
Having done 1,100 marathons/ultras so far, I would like to do the Liverpool (Full) Marathon in 2008...
If we are to be the capital of culture, then I feel we need to be giving off the right public image and messages. A marathon event would be ideal for this, to show a city united, to show different cultures and ages all promoting a positive active message both in terms of social, and physical, which should increasingly be the Government and local councils aim over the next few years. There will be plenty of participants and it would promise to be a great day in the history of
this fine city.
If small towns like Blackpool can stage a Marathon then Liverpool should at least get its finger out for 2008.Encouaraging people to take up running must be good for the health of the region. I used to be nearly 18 stone with high blood pressure. I have now run two marathons and I am no longer over weight. Ultimately I will be less of a burden on the NHS.
You must! Just absolutely must!
As someone who was born in Liverpool and organises over 15 races a year in Lancashire, I know the power of our sport! A marathon in Liverpool shows that sport is one of the key parameters of the culture of our vibrant city. Any BIG city would embrace a major city marathon - why not us!
Liverpool is my favorite city in the north. A marathon would be a wonderful opportunity to showcase all of the neat development and history of your city.
101 Marathons, run all over the world, and all major city's in UK, but as yet, not Liverpool. Even Birmingham has had one on its City 100th Aniv. So come on Liverpool, your a Great City, show it.
I fully support this proposal. In addition to the 'sporting angle' it will bring visitors into the city
When you look at the marathons that are run in other major cities, it makes me wonder why you haven't got one already.
It would be nice to have a marathon in Liverpool. Nice BIG race with that would accommodate slower runners.
It is quite extraordinary, especially given concern re obesity etc, that major cities such as Liverpool no longer have full marathons. Please ensure this event is restored for European culture 2008, and remains an annual event thereafter (especially as the UK will host the 2012 Olympics
Such an event would only improve the capital of culture calendar
This will be an excellent event and should be well supported by the many running clubs in the UK Mine, Blackheath Harriers is one of the largest running clubs in the UK Also as a member of the 100 marathon club, we too will support the event
The demise of the Mersey Marathon was a great loss to the running life of the region and its' standing in the sporting world. With the development around the pier head and Paradise Street area the opportunity to have a major race proceeding along past this new Liverpool should not be missed.
This would undoubtedly boost the city's profile and focus attention on the city itself. It will also bring a healthy amount of revenue into the local economy and provide an extremely enjoyable event for all concerned, runners, organisers and spectators alike.
Let's hope the Council see fit to include what would be a fantastic event for 2008. A Mersey marathon to top all marathon's. I'm sure it would attract thousands from all over Europe as well as Britain. Come on Liverpool City Council! do us athletes a favour and do yourselves proud.
The North West needs a great marathon, surely as European city of culture Liverpool should step up and show the rest of Europe that it to can stage an event that rivals that of most other European city marathons
We should certainly have a marathon, in our capital of culture year!
If Liverpool is serious in making 2008 successful it must have a marathon. The number of people it will bring in to participate and watch will be huge as will the potential world wide interest if quality runners can be persuaded to enter. It will also generate large amounts for charity.
It would be a great event in a great year for the city
For Liverpool, not having a city marathon is not only a pity - it's stupid, in terms of tourism promotion and economic benefits. Pull your socks up guys.
As a Liverpool University graduate I have strong ties to the city. The unique flavour, culture, dialect, and history of the place enable Liverpool to stand as prominent as a Capital city. A well-organised marathon race could enhance the spectacle attached to the culture capital, as well as attracting sponsorship, international television, and more importantly the visitor numbers in this important season. I wish you luck.
What a fantastic opportunity to showcase the fabulous buildings, architecture and parks that we have in Liverpool.
What better way to introduce the world to Liverpool
This would help focus attention on Liverpool, and would also be helpful to northerners wanting to participate in a marathon without having to travel to London, where the marathon is always oversubscribed.
The Mersey Marathon will be an outstanding event in the cultural calendar for Liverpool, European Capital of Culture 2008! A cultural event as much as a sports event, the Mersey Marathon will bring together a variety of different people for different reasons. It's a unique opportunity and a fantastic chance for Liverpool to allow its people to reflect the cultural diversity of the city.
The Mersey Marathon will put the fun back into running!
Since the lack of North West marathon as the Blackpool marathon has sadly demised, this would be a welcome addition; a true embodiment of the place of sport in culture and a chance to move things onwards to 2012. If part of the Olympic ethos is based around Culture, why should the Capital of Culture not embrace participatory sport?
Liverpool is a major City in England and deserves the right to host it's own marathon. Good luck to you all for fighting for this.
Every major city hosts a marathon. There are dozens of cities that I would never have visited if it wasn't for a race. Clearly hosting a mass participation race is good for the local economy (hotels, restaurants, etc). Liverpool is supposed to be a sporting city, so why not?
I've done some great races in Liverpool, you get a great warm Liverpool welcome and the geography, city environment etc is so well suited to a marathon it would be a natural extension of the previous racing calendar. Please give it serious thought, if Belfast can do it with their hurdles then I'm sure you can!
Liverpool is a brilliant city, famous throughout the world and should certainly have it's own marathon, like most other cities throughout the world
I would love to return to Liverpool, the city of my schooling, to take part in The Marathon in 2008 and even beyond.
A marathon would be a great event to host in a city with a reputation for good humour friendliness. It could only be of benefit the city.
Every great city should have a great marathon.
I would love to run a marathon in Liverpool. What a great idea
If we truly are the Capital of Culture then this even is a must. The city is steeped in sport and this is a mass participation sporting event. What better way to involve the people?
Didn't realise Liverpool didn't have a marathon. It certainly did when I lived there in early 1980s. Time to reinstate I say as piddly little places have a marathon and Liverpool has enough great landmarks to make a great race
A marathon would be a fantastic way of bringing Liverpool's culture and history to a wider world
Having done 1,100 marathons/ultras so far, I would like to do the Liverpool (Full) Marathon in 2008...
If we are to be the capital of culture, then I feel we need to be giving off the right public image and messages. A marathon event would be ideal for this, to show a city united, to show different cultures and ages all promoting a positive active message both in terms of social, and physical, which should increasingly be the Government and local councils aim over the next few years. There will be plenty of participants and it would promise to be a great day in the history of
this fine city.
If small towns like Blackpool can stage a Marathon then Liverpool should at least get its finger out for 2008.Encouaraging people to take up running must be good for the health of the region. I used to be nearly 18 stone with high blood pressure. I have now run two marathons and I am no longer over weight. Ultimately I will be less of a burden on the NHS.
You must! Just absolutely must!
As someone who was born in Liverpool and organises over 15 races a year in Lancashire, I know the power of our sport! A marathon in Liverpool shows that sport is one of the key parameters of the culture of our vibrant city. Any BIG city would embrace a major city marathon - why not us!
Liverpool is my favorite city in the north. A marathon would be a wonderful opportunity to showcase all of the neat development and history of your city.
101 Marathons, run all over the world, and all major city's in UK, but as yet, not Liverpool. Even Birmingham has had one on its City 100th Aniv. So come on Liverpool, your a Great City, show it.
I fully support this proposal. In addition to the 'sporting angle' it will bring visitors into the city
When you look at the marathons that are run in other major cities, it makes me wonder why you haven't got one already.
It would be nice to have a marathon in Liverpool. Nice BIG race with that would accommodate slower runners.
It is quite extraordinary, especially given concern re obesity etc, that major cities such as Liverpool no longer have full marathons. Please ensure this event is restored for European culture 2008, and remains an annual event thereafter (especially as the UK will host the 2012 Olympics
Such an event would only improve the capital of culture calendar
This will be an excellent event and should be well supported by the many running clubs in the UK Mine, Blackheath Harriers is one of the largest running clubs in the UK Also as a member of the 100 marathon club, we too will support the event
The demise of the Mersey Marathon was a great loss to the running life of the region and its' standing in the sporting world. With the development around the pier head and Paradise Street area the opportunity to have a major race proceeding along past this new Liverpool should not be missed.
This would undoubtedly boost the city's profile and focus attention on the city itself. It will also bring a healthy amount of revenue into the local economy and provide an extremely enjoyable event for all concerned, runners, organisers and spectators alike.
Let's hope the Council see fit to include what would be a fantastic event for 2008. A Mersey marathon to top all marathon's. I'm sure it would attract thousands from all over Europe as well as Britain. Come on Liverpool City Council! do us athletes a favour and do yourselves proud.
The North West needs a great marathon, surely as European city of culture Liverpool should step up and show the rest of Europe that it to can stage an event that rivals that of most other European city marathons
We should certainly have a marathon, in our capital of culture year!
If Liverpool is serious in making 2008 successful it must have a marathon. The number of people it will bring in to participate and watch will be huge as will the potential world wide interest if quality runners can be persuaded to enter. It will also generate large amounts for charity.
It would be a great event in a great year for the city
For Liverpool, not having a city marathon is not only a pity - it's stupid, in terms of tourism promotion and economic benefits. Pull your socks up guys.
As a Liverpool University graduate I have strong ties to the city. The unique flavour, culture, dialect, and history of the place enable Liverpool to stand as prominent as a Capital city. A well-organised marathon race could enhance the spectacle attached to the culture capital, as well as attracting sponsorship, international television, and more importantly the visitor numbers in this important season. I wish you luck.
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